Stefan Talmon

Kollektive Nichtanerkennung illegaler Staaten

Grundlagen und Rechtsfolgen einer international koordinierten Sanktion, dargestellt am Beispiel der Türkischen Republik Nord-Zypern
[Collective Non-Recognition of Illegal States. Legal Foundations and Consequences of an Internationally Coordinated Sanction With Particular Reference to the Non-Recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.]
2006. XXXIX, 1052 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-158087-1
Published in German.
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The question of the legal effect of the recognition of states has been characterized by the debate between the constitutive and the declaratory schools of thought for over a century. An examination of the case of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus however shows that neither of the two theories can satisfactorily explain the collective non-recognition of an entity that meets the criteria for statehood but that has been created in violation of a fundamental rule of public international law.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)