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Stein, Jonas

Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung

Band 5: §§ 328-510c
[Commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure. Volume 5: §§ 328-510c.]
23rd edition; 2015. XXXV, 1059 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-152900-9
Price with mandatory subscription of the multi-volume work
including VAT
Should the subscription be cancelled before the edition is completed, the subscriber will be required to pay the difference between the subscribtion price and the price of the single volumes.
This volume provides a complete update of sections 328-510b of Germany´s civil procedure code. Christian Berger´s new commentary on the law of evidence contained in the code´s sections 355-494a takes into thorough consideration judgments made and literature published since the appearance of the previous volume. Particular attention is paid to the influences of electronic legal and business dealings on the law of evidence. Herbert Roth has undertaken a revision of the qualification standards contained in paragraph 328 of the Civil Process Order and broadened the commentary. The latest court rulings and literature have also been incorporated.