
Wolfgang Kahl / Marcus Schmidtchen

Kommunaler Klimaschutz durch Erneuerbare Energien

[Municipal Climate Protection through Renewable Energy.]

114,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-152418-9
Published in German.
Whereas the public discussion on the energy turnaround focuses on the electricity sector, there is climate protection potential in the heating sector which is not being used sufficiently. Using practical examples, Wolfgang Kahl and Marcus Schmidtchen show the legal possibilities and limitations of the combination of measures which are available to the cities and the communities in order to support climate protection. In addition, the authors give precise legal proposals for the coherent development of environmental and energy law.
Whereas the public discussion on the energy turnaround focuses on the electricity sector, there is climate protection potential in the heating sector which is not being used sufficiently. Using practical examples, Wolfgang Kahl and Marcus Schmidtchen show the legal possibilities and limitations of the combination of measures which are available to the cities and the communities in order to support climate protection. In addition, the authors give precise legal proposals for the coherent development of environmental and energy law.

Wolfgang Kahl ist Direktor des Instituts für deutsches und europäisches Verwaltungsrecht sowie der Forschungsstelle für Nachhaltigkeitsrecht der Universität Heidelberg.

Marcus Schmidtchen Geboren 1986; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bayreuth; wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Zusatzausbildung zum Wirtschaftsjuristen (Univ. Bayreuth); 2009–12 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Heidelberg (Forschungsstelle für Nachhaltigkeitsrecht); 2014 Promotion; seit 2014 Rechtsreferendar im OLG-Bezirk München.


The following reviews are known:

In: Allg.Ministerialbl.d.Bay.Staatsreg. — 2014, 107
In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt — 2014, 915–917 (Ulrich Büdenbender)
In: Die Verwaltung — 2014, 458–461 (Wolfgang Köck)
In: ETDE Energy Database — DE13G4839 / DE025525259
In: Zeitschr.f.Umweltrecht — 2014, 127
In: Staat und Wirtschaft in Hessen — 2013, 296