
Hans-Georg Dederer

Korporative Staatsgewalt

Integration privat organisierter Interessen in die Ausübung von Staatsfunktionen. Zugleich eine Rekonstruktion der Legitimationsdogmatik

[Corporate State Authority. The Integration of Private Interest Groups into the Performance of State Functions. A Reconstruction of the Dogmatics of Legitimation.]

unrevised e-book edition 2019; Original edition 2004; 2004. XXVIII, 686 pages.

Jus Publicum 107

159,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-157977-6
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Published in German.
Private interest groups sometimes enjoy, at the initiative of the government, the privilege of controlling the exercise of legislative, executive or judicial powers. Examples are tripartite agreements on laws which are expected to be enacted later on by parliament without any modification. Hans-Georg Dederer examines the specific requirements for such participation of private interest groups in the exercise of governmental power.
Private interest groups (or their representatives) sometimes enjoy, at the initiative of the government, the privilege of controlling (alone or together with the public office holders) the exercise of legislative, executive or judicial powers. Examples are tripartite agreements (between the government, employers' associations and trade unions) on laws which are expected to be enacted later on by parliament without any modification. This phenomenon exists on the European Union level as well, e.g. in the case of the »social dialogue«. In the light of democratic principles, particularly the principle of democratic legitimacy, Hans-Georg Dederer examines the specific requirements for such participation of private interest groups in the exercise of governmental power.

Hans-Georg Dederer ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Völkerrecht, Europäisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität Passau.


The following reviews are known:

In: Der Staat — 45 (2006), S. 294–297 (Matthias Ruffert)
In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2005, H.15, S.661f (Prof.Horst Sendler)