
Dominik Schäfers

Korrelative Systeminterferenzen

Zum Verhältnis von Öffentlichem Recht und Privatrecht am Beispiel des Finanzdienstleistungsaufsichtsrechts

[Correlative System Interferences. The Public-Private Law Relationship on the Example of Financial Supervision Law.]

149,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-159646-9
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Published in German.
Public law and private law are closely interwoven in many ways and have a complementary effect. Using financial supervision law as an example, Dominik Schäfers develops practicable metanorms well-founded in legal theory how to deal with the overlapping partial legal systems, how conflicts between them can be resolved and how mutual influences can be justified.
Public law and private law are closely interwoven in many ways and have a complementary effect. Using financial supervision law as an example, Dominik Schäfers develops practicable metanorms well-founded in legal theory how to deal with the overlapping partial legal systems, how conflicts between them can be resolved and how mutual influences can be justified.

Dominik Schäfers Geboren 1982; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Münster; 2008 Erstes Staatsexamen; 2010–12 Referendariat im Bezirk des OLG Hamm sowie Masterstudiengang Versicherungsrecht; 2012 Zweites Staatsexamen; 2013 Promotion; 2013–19 Akademischer Rat a.Z. am Institut für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht der Universität Münster; 2019 Habilitation; 2020 Entlastungsprofessur für Zivilrecht an der Universität Frankfurt a.M.


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