
Johann J. Spalding

Kritische Ausgabe

1. Abteilung: Schriften. Band 6: Kleinere Schriften: Teilband 2: Briefe an Gleim – Lebensbeschreibung
Hrsg. v. Albrecht Beutel u. Tobias Jersak, unter Mitarb. v. Dennis Prause

[Johann Joachim Spalding: Critical Edition. Edited by Albrecht Beutel. First Section: Writings. Volume 6/2: Letters to Gleim – Biography (Small Works II), edited by Albrecht Beutel and Tobias Jersak.]

unveränderte eBook-Ausgabe 2023; Orginalausgabe 2002; 2002. XXXV, 350 pages.
139,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-162278-6
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Published in German.
This volume unites the two autobiographical works written by the prominent theologian of the Enlightenment, Johann Joachim Spalding (1714–1804). It provides the Letters from Mr. Spalding to Mr. Gleim, written between 1746 and 1757, along with a critical edition of the complete handwritten originals. They shed light on an important phase in the life of a man who was later to become provost and the head of the consistory in Berlin. Johann Joachim Spalding's Biography, As Written by Himself, is a mercilessly frank account of the author's life, expanded and published by his son, Georg Ludewig Spalding, shortly after his father's death in 1804. It holds the key not only to Spalding's life and works but also to a period in church and intellectual history to which he was a witness.
This volume unites the two autobiographical works written by the prominent theologian of the Enlightenment, Johann Joachim Spalding (1714–1804). It provides the Letters from Mr. Spalding to Mr. Gleim, written between 1746 and 1757, along with a critical edition of the complete handwritten originals. They shed light on an important phase in the life of a man who was later to become provost and the head of the consistory in Berlin. Johann Joachim Spalding's Biography, As Written by Himself, is a mercilessly frank account of the author's life, expanded and published by his son, Georg Ludewig Spalding, shortly after his father's death in 1804. It holds the key not only to Spalding's life and works but also to a period in church and intellectual history to which he was a witness.

Johann J. Spalding (1714–1804) Religionsphilosoph, Hauptvertreter der deutschen Aufklärungstheologie, Oberkonsistorialrat.

Tobias Jersak ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Münster.

Albrecht Beutel Geboren 1957; Studium der Ev. Theologie, Germanistik und Philosophie in Tübingen und Zürich; 1990 Promotion; 1995 Habilitation; Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Kirchengeschichte (insbesondere Reformation, neuere und neueste Kirchengeschichte) an der Universität Münster; ord. Mitglied der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste.

Dennis Prause ist studentischer Mitarbeiter der Spalding-Edition an der Universität Münster.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — Jg.130 (2005), H.7/8, S.820ff (Günther Wartenberg)
In: Deutsches Pfarrerblatt — Jg.106 (2006), H.1, S.37 (Thomas Stahlberg)
In: Editionen in der Kritik (EDK) — I (2005), S.259ff (Wolfgang Virmond)
In: Baltische Studien — Bd.90 (2004), Bd.136, S.273f (Volker Gummelt)
In: Jahrbuch f.Int.Germanistik — 38 (2006), S. 201–204 (Ralf G. Bogner)
In: Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert — Jg.27 (2003), H.2, S.285f (Dirk Fleischer)