
Tobias Zürcher

Legitimation von Strafe

Die expressiv-kommunikative Straftheorie zur moralischen Rechtfertigung von Strafe

[The Legitimation of Punishment. The Expressivist-Communicative Theory of Punishment for the Moral Justification of Punishment.]

unrevised e-book edition 2020; Original edition 2014; 2014. XIII, 201 pages.

Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft 21

64,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-159729-9
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Published in German.
Is legal punishment justified? Tobias Zürcher examines and rejects classical approaches, based on retribution and consequence, to the moral justification of punishment. He advocates a concept of punishment as a moral practice that is justified when its objective is essentially communicative. Some common forms of punishment meet the conditions of this expressivist theory, but not all.
Is legal punishment justified? Tobias Zürcher examines and rejects classical approaches, based on retribution and consequence, to the moral justification of punishment. He advocates a concept of punishment as a moral practice that is justified when its objective is essentially communicative. Some common forms of punishment meet the conditions of this expressivist theory, but not all.

Tobias Zürcher Geboren 1981; kaufmännische Berufslehre; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften (Master of Law) und der Philosophie (lic. phil.) an der Universität Bern; wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie der Universität Bern; 2012 Promotion zum Dr. iur.; seit 2011 Lehrer für Philosophie am Gymnasium und an der Fachmittelschule Seefeld Thun (Schweiz).


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.Philosoph.Literatur — 2015, 42–50 (Thomas Meyer)