
Christoffer Theis

Magie und Raum

Der magische Schutz ausgewählter Räume im Alten Ägypten nebst einem Vergleich zu angrenzenden Kulturbereichen

[Magic and Space. Magical Protection of Selected Spaces in Ancient Egypt Alongside a Comparison with Adjacent Cultural Areas.]

unrevised e-book edition 2021; Original edition 2014; 2014. XV, 1032 pages.

Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 13

179,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-160602-1
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Published in German.
Was the individual in Ancient Egypt completely at the mercy of demons, illnesses or other threats? Or could various practices be called upon to keep the likes of these at bay? Christoffer Theis examines written and archaeological sources, which verify the magical protection of various rooms and spaces in Ancient Egypt.
Was the individual in Ancient Egypt completely at the mercy of demons, illnesses or other threats? Or could various practices be called upon to keep the likes of these at bay? Christoffer Theis examines written and archaeological sources, which verify the magical protection of various rooms and spaces in Ancient Egypt. He presents a detailed analysis and commentary of evidence available for the protection of the land of Egypt, its temples, houses, sleeping chambers, and graves. Legacies from other contemporary cultures, such as Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Syria-Palestine region are also dealt with. Going a step further, the author compares these with Greek, Coptic, Arab and Hebrew material. The currently available sources show clearly inter- as well as trans-cultural homogeneity and identification characteristics through the local and temporal spaces.

Christoffer Theis Geboren 1984; Studium der Ägyptologie und der Altorientalistik; 2008 MA; 2013 Promotion; Zweitstudium der Theologie; 2013 Master of Arts; seit 2010 Lehrbeauftragter und seit 2012 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.


The following reviews are known:

In: H-Soz-u-Kult —–3-085 (8/2016) (Stefan Bojowald)
In: Bibliotheca Orientalis (Bior) — 73 (2016), S. 691–696 (Hartwig Altenmüller)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 141 (2016), S. 1051–1052 (Martin Rösel)
In: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) — 128 (2016), S. 182–183 (B.U.S.)
In: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament — 40.5 (2016), S. 175 (W.G.E. Watson)