
Sebastian Müller-Franken

Maßvolles Verwalten

Effiziente Verwaltung im System exekutiver Handlungsmaßstäbe am Beispiel des maßvollen Gesetzesvollzugs im Steuerrecht

[Moderate Administration. Efficient Administration within a System of Executive Criteria of Action, considering Moderate Law Enforcement in Tax Law as an Example.]

unrevised e-book edition 2019; Original edition 2004; 2004. XXXVIII, 581 pages.

Jus Publicum 105

159,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-157978-3
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Published in German.
The financial crisis demands of the state to moderate its financial resources. The democratic constitutional state is liable to other regulations than a business venture, therefore, the principle of efficiency can not be the sole criteria for any of its action. For the executive Sebastian Müller-Franken develops a doctrine of the criteria of the administrative act which integrates the efficiency into a comprehensive system.
The financial crisis demands of the state to moderate its financial resources. The democratic constitutional state is liable to other regulations than a business venture, therefore, the principle of efficiency can not be the sole criteria for any of its action. For the executive Sebastian Müller-Franken develops a doctrine of the criteria of the administrative act which integrates the efficiency into a comprehensive system. The author outlines his system of executive criteria for the administrative act following the example of the tax administration and demonstrates how his doctrine can be implemented in the enforcement of tax laws.

Sebastian Müller-Franken Geboren 1963; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Heidelberg; 1996 Promotion; 2002 Habilitation; 2005 Professor an der Universität Münster; seit 2006 o. Professor an der Universität Marburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Allg.Ministerialbl.d.Bay.Staatsreg. — Jg.18 (2005), H.6, S.255
In: Juristenzeitung — Jg.60 (2005), H.21, S.1048 (Prof.Josef Isensee)
In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2005, H.9, S.399f (A.Leisner-Egensperge)
In: Die Verwaltung — Bd.39 (2006), H.2, S.296f (Klaus Lange)