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Max Weber

Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe

Band I/14: Zur Musiksoziologie. Nachlaß 1921
Edited by Christoph Braun and Ludwig Fischer
[On the Sociology of Music 1910-1920. By Max Weber. Edited by Christoph Braun and Ludwig Finscher.]
2004. XIV, 446 pages.
Published in German.
unit price
  • half-leather bound
  • available
  • 978-3-16-146958-9
In his so-called 'Sociology of Music', Max Weber shows the special qualities of occidental and modern European culture in the area of music and from a universal perspective he discusses the historical conditions under which they originated. He discusses ideal types and trends of musical rationalization and their 'instrumental' form. As an analyst, he examines the connections among particular conditions pertaining to tone systems and the history of music.