Jens Petersen

Max Webers Rechtssoziologie und die juristische Methodenlehre

[Max Weber's Sociology of Law and Legal Methodology. 3rd edition.]
3rd edition; 2020. XIII, 172 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159120-4
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One of the main reasons that Max Weber's sociology of law is so interesting for legal dogmatics is the fact that Weber had a thorough knowledge of the law and legal methodology and thus was able to understand and interpret it. Whereas a great deal has already been written about Max Weber's sociology of religion, there are comparatively few works on his sociology of law. For this new edition, Jens Petersen has transferred all references to the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe, including not only literature on Weber's sociology of law that has appeared in the past five years, but older writings too.