
Wilfried Härle

Menschsein in Beziehungen

Studien zur Rechtfertigungslehre und Anthropologie

[Being Human in Relation. Studies of the Doctrine of Justification and Anthropology.]

2005. XIX, 509 pages.
69,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148754-5
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Published in German.
Wilfried Härle uses reformational theology, in particular Martin Luther's doctrine of justification, applying it to current ideological and ethical debates surrounding the concept of man in our society – including the ethical questions in the field of medicine which are presently the main issues under discussion.
In the essays in this volume, most of which are previously unpublished, Wilfried Härle uses reformational theology, in particular Martin Luther's doctrine of justification, applying it to current ideological and ethical debates surrounding the concept of man in our society – including the ethical questions in the field of medicine which are presently the main issues under discussion. The studies focus on what Luther, in reference to Paul (Romans 3:28) called the theological definition of man: »that a man is justified by faith« (»Hominem iustificari fide«). Wilfried Härle shows that the anthropological views contained in this definition are correct and are of fundamental importance.

Wilfried Härle Geboren 1941; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Heidelberg und Erlangen; 1969 Promotion; 1973 Habilitation; Professor für Systematische Theologie und Ethik in Heidelberg; Vorsitzender der Kammer für Öffentliche Verantwortung der EKD; Mitglied der Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages »Ethik und Recht der modernen Medizin".


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 132 (2007), S. 574–578 (Ernstpeter Maurer)
In: Theologische Beiträge — 39 (2008), S. 252–253 (Jochen Walldorf)
In: Zeitzeichen — Jg.7 (2006), H. 5, S.64
In: PV-aktuell (Nachrichten des Pfarrvereins Westf.) — 2006, Nr.1, S.5 (Karl-F. Wiggermann)
In: — Bd.47 (2005), S.487 (Oswald Bayer)
In: Luther — 2008, S. 137–138 (Dietrich Korsch)