

Versuche über letzte Fragen

[Metaphysics. Attempts at Ultimate Questions.]

2011. VI, 251 pages.

Collegium Metaphysicum 1

44,00 €
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eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-151088-5
nicht mehr erhältlich
Published in German.
In a critical discourse with the history of metaphysics, Friedrich Hermanni attempts to answer the following questions: What is the reason for the existence and general features of the world, and what is this reason's relationship to the idea of God? What is the essence of human freedom, and what is the significance of the evil done by man and the evil that befalls him?
Metaphysics is the attempt to answer ultimate questions with the help of reason. These questions are unavoidable, but cannot be answered by science. Although in many cases the answers given by metaphysics cannot withstand a critical scrutiny, those theories which want to fundamentally dismiss metaphysics are not any more convincing. In a critical discourse with the history of metaphysics, the author attempts to answer the following questions: What is the reason for the existence and general features of the world, and what is this reason's relationship to the idea of God? What is the essence of human freedom, and what is the significance of the evil done by man and the evil that befalls him? What is the relationship between the condition of man's soul and his physical condition, and what may he hope for after death, if he may hope for something at all?

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