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Björn Görder

Milton Friedmans Freiheitsverständnis

Systematische Rekonstruktion und wirtschaftsethische Diskussion
[Milton Friedman's Understanding of Freedom. A Systematic Reconstruction in Relation to Economic Ethics.]
2015. XVI, 508 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-153748-6
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-153748-6
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Milton Friedman polarizes. He regards the »freedom to starve« to be the ultimate social goal which can be made by society and rejects the idea that businesses should be socially responsible. Björn Görder analyzes Friedman's negative concept of freedom in the context of its epistemological and anthropological assumptions and illustrates its political consequences.

Perspektiven der Ethik (PE)