
Peter Schüz

Mysterium tremendum

Zum Verhältnis von Angst und Religion nach Rudolf Otto

[Mysterium Tremendum. The Relationship Between Fear and Religion According to Rudolf Otto.]

134,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-153448-5
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Published in German.
The essence of religion has always been connected with moments resembling fear and anxiety. These feelings of holy dread and pious fear of God form an essential part of the history of religions' elemental motives. Drawing on Rudolf Otto's famous concept of the »mysterium tremendum«, Peter Schüz seeks to open up theological access to these original forms of religious experience.
The essence of religion has always been connected with moments resembling fear and anxiety. These feelings of holy dread and pious fear of God form an essential part of the history of religions' elemental motives. Drawing on Rudolf Otto's famous concept of the »mysterium tremendum«, Peter Schüz seeks to open up theological access to these original forms of religious experience. This in turn aligns with a theory of piety which infers the grounds of religious experience from a reflexion on the forms of religious expression and representation.

Peter Schüz Geboren 1983; Dr. theol.; Akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Dogmatik, Religionsphilosophie und Ökumene an der Ev.-Theol. Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte (ZNTHG) — 24 (2017), S. 148–151 (Christian Polke)
In: Orthodoxes Forum — 31 (2017), S. 229–234 (Konstantin Mallat)
In: Theological Studies — 79 (2018), S. 709 (Christopher Adair-Toteff)