Nachrichtendienste im demokratischen Rechtsstaat

Kontrolle - Rechtsschutz - Kooperationen
Edited by Jan-Hendrik Dietrich, Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz, Kurt Graulich, Christoph Gusy and Gunter Warg
[Intelligence Services in Democratic States. Control - Legal Protection - Cooperation.]
2018. XVII, 235 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156234-1
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156234-1
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The task of the law governing intelligence services is to bring the protection of fundamental rights and the effective fulfilment of the state's responsibility to guarantee national security into harmony with one another. The present volume documents the results of the first symposium exploring this matter, held in Berlin in November 2016.

Beiträge zum Sicherheitsrecht und zur Sicherheitspolitik (SRSP)