Gustav Ollinger

Nachvollziehende Verfahrenskontrolle im EU-Beihilferecht

Zur unionsgerichtlichen Überprüfung komplexer wirtschaftlicher Bewertungen der EU-Beihilfeaufsicht
[Intelligible Procedural Review. Judicial Review of Complex Economic Assessments in EU State Aid Decisions.]
2019. XX, 471 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156047-7
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156047-7
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How can the EU courts exercise judicial review without seeking expert evidence when the European Commission's criteria for decision-making are primarily of an economic nature? Taking the example of the ban on state aid, Gustav Ollinger reveals that the courts have developed an independent procedural concept of judicial review for the commission's margin of appreciation in complex economic assessments.

Beiträge zum Verwaltungsrecht (BVwR)