
Sebastian Traub

Nebenbestimmungsfeindliche Verwaltungsakte

[Anti-Supplementary Provision Administrative Acts.]

2018. XXV, 336 pages.

Beiträge zum Verwaltungsrecht 5

104,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155822-1
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Published in German.
Are there administrative acts that must not be subjected to conditions or other ancillary clauses? Although this is broadly approved of in German jurisprudence in many instances, Sebastian Traub reveals that there are numerous blurred areas and cracks in the theory. By refocussing away from traditional categories, he develops a new and sharper approach that makes way for significantly more flexible forms of autonomy in the administrative decision-making process.
Are there administrative acts that must not be subjected to conditions or other ancillary clauses? Although this is broadly approved of in German jurisprudence in many instances, Sebastian Traub reveals that there are numerous blurred areas and cracks in the theory. By refocussing away from traditional categories, he develops a new and sharper approach that makes way for significantly more flexible forms of autonomy in the administrative decision-making process.

Sebastian Traub Geboren 1988; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Heidelberg; 2017 Promotion; derzeit Rechtsreferendar am Landgericht Heidelberg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Juristenzeitung — 2019, 197 (Markus Winkler)
In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt — 2019, 1254–1256 (Jörg Berkemann)
In: Die Verwaltung — 2019, 133–136 (Wolf-Rüdiger Schenke)