
Friedrich Avemarie

Neues Testament und frührabbinisches Judentum

Gesammelte Aufsätze
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Angela Standhartinger, unter Mitarb. v. Mareike Schmied u. Sebastian Weigert

[New Testament and Early Rabbinic Judaism. Collected Essays.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-152924-5
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Published in German.
This volume collects previously published and yet unpublished articles by the New Testament and rabbinic Judaism scholar Friedrich Avemarie. Founded on a great familiarity with rabbinic literature and a distinct theological interest in the New Testament, the articles provide much important stimulus for the issues involved.
This volume collects previously published and yet unpublished articles by the New Testament and rabbinic Judaism scholar Friedrich Avemarie, who died in October 2012 unexpectedly. Founded on a great familiarity with rabbinic literature and a distinct theological interest in the New Testament, the articles provide much important stimulus for the issues involved: rabbinic martyr-theology, rabbinic and New Testament soteriology, the parables of Jesus, the historical background of Acts, Paul's teaching on redemption in discussions on the so-called New Perspective on Paul, the role of 'Israel' in Pauline theology and issues of salvation history and free will in Paul. Five articles are published here for the first time.

Friedrich Avemarie (1960–2012) Studium der Ev. Theologie in Heidelberg, München, Montpellier und Tübingen; Studium der Judaistik in Jerusalem und Berlin; 1995 Promotion; 2000 Habilitation; 2002–12 Professor für Neues Testament und antikes Judentum in Marburg.

Jörg Frey Born 1962; 1996 Dr. theol.; 1998 Habilitation; Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland; Honorary Doctorate of the Faculty for Theology at the University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Angela Standhartinger Geboren 1964; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Frankfurt/Main, München und Heidelberg; Promotion und Habilitation in Frankfurt; Vikariat und Ordination; Gastaufenthalt am Union Theological Seminary in New York; seit 2000 Professorin für Neues Testament in Marburg.

Mareike Schmied No current data available.

Sebastian Weigert No current data available.


The following reviews are known:

In: — http.// (07/2014) (Ron Kubsch)
In: Studien zum NT u.seiner Umwelt — 39 (2014), S. 216–217 (Friedrich W. Horn)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 142 (2017), S. 207–210 (Andrew Chester)
In: Revue d'histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses — 94 (2014), S. 354–355 (Ch. Grappe)
In: Glauben u. Denken heute — 2014, Heft 1, S. 56–58 (Ron Kubsch)
In: Review of Biblical Literature — (06/2015) (Judith M. Lieu)
In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) — 37.5 (2015), S. 16–17 (Simon Gathercole)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 58 (2014), S. 370