
Milan Kuhli

Normative Tatbestandsmerkmale in der strafrichterlichen Rechtsanwendung

Institutionelle, rechtsverweisende und dichte Elemente im Strafrecht

[The Application of Normative Elements in Criminal Law. Institutional, Referring and Thick Concepts in Criminal Justice.]

2018. XXV, 474 pages.

Jus Poenale 14

129,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-154263-3
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Published in German.
To what degree can one argue about a criminal judgement? This question is posed when, among other things, a judge has to apply certain criteria that point to norms and values outside criminal law.
To what degree can one argue about a criminal judgement? This question is posed when, among other things, a judge has to apply certain criteria that point to norms and values outside criminal law.

Milan Kuhli ist Professor für Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht einschließlich ihrer internationalen und historischen Bezüge an der Universität Hamburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht — 2019, 577–579 (Hans Kudlich)