Julian Philipp Rapp

NS-Raubkunst vor amerikanischen Gerichten

Aktuelle Entwicklungen der »restitution litigation« in den USA
[Nazi Looted Art before US-American Courts. The Latest Developments in Restitution Litigation in the USA.]
2021. XXIV, 250 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159971-2
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The restitution of art lost during or shortly after World War II is a difficult matter - not only from an ethical and historical perspective, but above all from a legal point of view. While the restitution litigation of Nazi looted art in Germany has largely come to an end and questions concerning the restitution of war-related losses are being dealt with on a political level or by means of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, a different approach can be observed in the USA. Since restitution claims can still be successfully asserted in court - even 75 years after World War II -, restitution litigation has recently experienced a renaissance. Julian Philipp Rapp examines how US courts handle restitution claims of Nazi looted art.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (StudIPR)