
Giesela Rühl

Obliegenheiten im Versicherungsvertragsrecht

Auf dem Weg zum Europäischen Binnenmarkt für Versicherungen

[Obligations in Insurance Contract Law. Towards a Single European Market for Insurances.]

unrevised e-book edition 2020; Original edition 2004; 2004. XXVII, 400 pages.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht 123

99,00 €
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eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-158387-2
Published in German.
Fifty years after the foundation of the European Communities, the single European market for insurances has not yet become true. As the lack of cross-border activity of insurance companies has to be attributed to the lack of uniform rules on insurance contract law, Giesela Rühl compares the obligations of the insured under both common law and civil law and makes proposals for regulation in a European insurance contract law.
Fifty years after the foundation of the European Communities, the single European market for insurances has not yet become reality. Although three generations of EC directives have implemented the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services, insurance companies still essentially refrain from cross-border transactions. As the lack of cross-border activity has to be attributed to the lack of uniform rules on insurance contract law, Giesela Rühl compares the obligations of the insured under both common law and civil law and makes proposals for regulation in a European insurance contract law.

Giesela Rühl ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Zivilverfahrensrecht, Europäisches und
Internationales Privat- und Verfahrensrecht und Rechtsvergleichung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: HAVE/REAS — 2004, H.2, S.148 (Nur Bibliographie)
In: Banca, borsa e titoli di credito — 2006, H.3
In: Zeitschr.f.d.ges.Versicherungswiss. — 2004, H.1, S.106f
In: Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) — Bd.70 (2006), H.2, S.406ff (Dirk Looschelders)