
Kirsten Huxel

Ontologie des seelischen Lebens

Ein Beitrag zur theologischen Anthropologie im Anschluß an Hume, Kant, Schleiermacher und Dilthey

[The Ontology of Spiritual Life. A Contribution to Theological Anthropology subsequent to Hume, Kant, Schleiermacher and Dilthey.]

94,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148524-4
Published in German.
The criticism of psychology, which started with the philosophy of the Enlightenment and which took a theological turn in the 20th century, has up to the present prevented theology from developing an ontology of spiritual life. Subsequent to a critical reconstruction of Hume's, Kant's, Schleiermacher's and Dilthey's systems of thought, Kirsten Huxel outlines such an ontology.
One of the main concerns of Christian theology is to call attention to those experiences of faith which are related to the innermost part of a human being. This is the »place« which the traditional professions of faith addressed as the »soul« or the »heart« of a human being. The criticism of psychology, which started with the philosophy of the Enlightenment and which took a theological turn in the 20th century, has up to the present prevented theology from developing an ontology of spiritual life. Subsequent to a critical reconstruction of Hume's, Kant's Schleiermacher's and Dilthey's systems of thought, Kirsten Huxel outlines such an ontology.

Kirsten Huxel Geboren 1966; Studium der evangelischen Theologie in Mainz und Heidelberg; 1998 Promotion; 2003 Habilitation; wissenschaftliche Assistentin und Privatdozentin für Systematische Theologie an der Universität Tübingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — Jg.131 (2006), H.5, S.551ff (Hartmut Raguse)
In: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift — 70 (2007), S. 193–194 (J. Stubbe Teglbjaerg)
In: Verkündigung u. Forschung — 51 (2006), S. 39–55 (Wolfgang Schoberth)
In: PV-aktuell (Nachrichten des Pfarrvereins Westf.) — 2005, Nr.3, S.8 (Karl-F. Wiggermann)
In: Anuario Filosofico — Vol.38 (2005), H.2, S.694 (Nur Bibliographie)
In: Dialogo Filosofico — Jg.21 (2005), H.2, S.369