
Nadja Danninger

Organhaftung und Beweislast

[Directors' and Officers' Liability and the Burden of Proof.]

64,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-159467-0
Published in German.
Directors and officers can be liable to their company for breaches of duty. Yet which party bears the burden of proof? Nadja Danninger uses a multi-dimensional research approach to outbalance the burden of proof in theory and in practice.
Directors and officers can be liable to their company for breaches of duty. Yet which party bears the burden of proof? Nadja Danninger uses a multi-dimensional research approach to outbalance the burden of proof in theory and in practice.

Nadja Danninger Geboren 1988; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in München und Oxford; Rechtsreferendariat in München; wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg; seit 2017 bayerische Notarassessorin; 2020 Promotion.


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