Carl Johan Berglund

Origen's References to Heracleon

A Quotation-Analytical Study of the Earliest Known Commentary on the Gospel of John
[Origenes' Verweise auf Herakleon. Eine zitatanalytische Studie des frühesten bekannten Kommentars zum Johannesevangelium.]
2020. XI, 403 pages.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159221-8
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The origins of Christian exegesis are obscured by ancient authors' lack of differentiation between verbatim quotations, summaries, explanatory paraphrases, and mere assertions. Carl Johan Berglund discerns what we can know of Heracleon's literary-critical Gospel commentary from Origen's presuppositions of Gnostic heresies.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (WUNT I)