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Marcus Hahn-Lorber

Parallele Gesetzgebungskompetenzen

Nicht-hierarchische Kompetenzverteilung im deutsch-schottischen Verfassungsvergleich
[Parallel Legislative Power. Non-Hierarchical Powers in a Comparison of the German and Scottish Constitutions.]
2012. XXVII, 439 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-151686-3
Many constitutions in Europe allocate legislative powers to regions, a federal government and the European Union. This allocation has become more dynamic, and there are now non-hierarchical allocations. Using the term »Parallel Legislative Powers,« Marcus Hahn-Lorber examines these based on German and Scottish constitutional law.

Studien und Beiträge zum Öffentlichen Recht (StudÖR)