
Gernot Sydow

Parlamentssuprematie und Rule of Law

Britische Verfassungsreformen im Spannungsfeld von Westminster Parliament, Common-Law-Gerichten und europäischen Einflüssen

[Supremacy of Parliament and Rule of Law. Parliament, the Courts, European Influences, and British Constitutional Reforms.]

2005. XII, 127 pages.
54,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148758-3
Published in German.
Gernot Sydow presents an account of constitutional reform in the UK from a continental, German point of view. He discusses the impact of EU membership on the constitution and compares the British constitution with a continental constitutional tradition.
Since 1997/98 in particular, the traditional British constitutional system has been undergoing extensive reforms which affect the core of the constitution. Gernot Sydow studies the structural principles of this process of constitutional reform from a German point of view. He reconstructs the current constitutional debates in Great Britain, seeing them as the sum of sovereignty and legitimacy conflicts which have not been discussed and settled. According to the author, the constitutional reforms in Britain are gradually being brought into line with the constitutional traditions in continental Europe. European influences, however, appear to function as catalysts which are speeding up the process of British constitutional reforms rather than as decisive reasons for reform.

Gernot Sydow ist Professor für Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht an der Universität Münster und nebenamtlich Vorsitzender des Datenschutzgerichts der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz.


The following reviews are known:

In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2006, H.14, S.620 (Rainer Grote)
In: Parliaments, Estates & — 2007, 264 (Horst Dippel)
In: Revue Hellenique des Droits de l'homme — 37 (2008), 344