Christoph Reiß

Patente und Produktmarktwettbewerb

Der strategische Einsatz von Patenten im Wettbewerb jenseits der Innovationsförderung - eine Untersuchung wettbewerbspolitisch relevanter Patentstrategien
[Patents and Product Market Competition. The Strategic Use of Patents in Competition beyond Innovation Funding - A Study of Patent Strategies Relevant to Competition Policy.]
2011. XIV, 542 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163123-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-163123-8
Christoph Reiß considers the effects of strategic patents on competition in a number of game-theoretic models. He focuses on deterrence strategies and endogenous entry in asymmetric markets and on cumulative complementary patents, showing that strategic patents can - under certain conditions - have positive effects on welfare.