
Paulus Handbuch

Hrsg. v. Friedrich W. Horn

[Guide to Paul.]

2013. XVI, 653 pages.

Handbücher Theologie

49,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-150082-4
Published in German.
This Guide to Paul focuses on the life, letters and theology of Paul. These main subjects are framed by research history and a description of the impact and the reception of the apostle. It is the goal of the Guide to Paul to provide students, lecturers and all those interested in a central figure in early Christianity with an introduction to a lively research environment on Paul as a person and on his work.
This Guide to Paul focuses on the life, letters and theology of Paul. These main subjects are framed by research history and a description of the impact and the reception of the apostle. More than forty authors depict the path of Paul the Pharisee to Paul the apostle to the Gentiles, analyze his letters and reconstruct the origins of his Christian theology. All those who read the entire Guide will find themselves in a broad research landscape which for some may be new and unfamiliar in that it deals with issues of ancient history, epistolography as well as cultural and social history. Paul's theology, his letters and his language have had a distinctive impact on Christianity. It is the goal of the Guide to Paul to provide students, lecturers and all those interested in a central figure in early Christianity with an introduction to a lively research environment on Paul as a person and on his work.

Friedrich Wilhelm Horn Geboren 1953; 1972–78 Studium der Ev. Theologie in Wuppertal und Göttingen; 1982 Promotion; 1990 Habilitation; seit 1996 Professor für Neues Testament an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.


The following reviews are known:

In: Christ in der Gegenwart — 2013, Nr. 48, S. 551 (Nur Buchanzeige)
In: — 12 (2013), S. 333–334 (Martin Schreiner)
In: Wort und Antwort — 55 (2014), S. 44 (Ulrich Engel)
In: Adamantius — 21 (2015), S. 510–511 (Romano Penna)
In: Für Arbeit und Besinnung a+b — 2015, Heft 3, S. 38–39 (Friederike Portenhauser)
In: PV-Aktuell — 2013, Nr. 3, S. 22 (Karl-F. Wiggermann)
In: Biblische Zeitschrift — 59 (2015), S. 133–135 (Günter Röhser)
In: Bibel und Kirche – Biblische Bücherschau — (07/2014) (Matthias Blum)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 58 (2014), S. 414
In: Theologische Revue — 110 (2014), S. 114–116 (Beate Kowalski)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 139 (2014), S. 579–581 (Stefan Krauter)
In: Teoloski pogledi / Theological Views — 46 (2013), S. 1099–1101
In: The Polish Journal of Bibl. Research — 14 (2015), S. 234–235 (Zdzislaw J. Kapera)
In: ichthys — 30 (2014), S. 188–190 (Jonathan Reinert)
In: Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok — 79 (2014), S. 176–178 (Walter Übelacker)
In: Existentia — 24 (2014), S. 186–187
In: Revue d'histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses — 94 (2014), S. 367–368 (Ch. Grappe)
In: Studien zum NT u.seiner Umwelt — 39 (2014), S. 242–244 (Daniel Lanzinger)
In: Kirchl. Amtsblatt d.Ev.Kirche Westf — 2015, Nr. 5, S. 118–119 (Dirk Fleischer)
In: Concilium — 2014, Heft 5, S. 178
In: Tijdschrift voor Theologie — 54 (2014), S. 417 (Piet de Vries)
In: — (11/2015) (Pieter de Vries)
In: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses — 93 (2017), S. 375–377 (C. Stenschke)