
Ruben A. Bühner

Paulus im Kontext des Diasporajudentums

Judenchristliche Lebensweise nach den paulinischen Briefen und die Debatten um »Paul within Judaism«

[Paul in the Context of Diaspora Judaism. Jewish-Christian Life after the Pauline Epistles and the Debates about »Paul within Judaism.«]

159,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-162749-1
Published in German.
In this study, Ruben A. Bühner discusses Paul's relationship to the Judaism of his time. In the context of a pluralistic Diaspora Judaism, the question is to what extent Paul still sees himself committed to a Jewish way of life even after turning to Christ.
Under the umbrella term »Paul within Judaism,« new interpretations of Paul's letters have recently emerged. In this context, Ruben A. Bühner examines the continuity of a Jewish way of life before and after Jews turned to Christ. By interpreting Paul in the context of a diverse Diaspora Judaism, he argues for a mediating position in an increasingly ideological debate. Thus Paul understands himself both as a Jew and as committed to a Jewish way of life, while at the same time seeing himself as »in Christ« also committed to community with non-Jews.

Ruben A. Bühner Geboren 1990; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Heidelberg, Tübingen und Princeton (NJ); 2020 Promotion in Zürich; 2023 Habilitation beantragt in Zürich; 2020–23 Vikar der Ev. Landeskirche Württemberg; Lehrbeauftragter für Neues Testament in Zürich und Würzburg; Postdoctoral Fellow in Bonn.


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