Paulusmemoria und Paulusexegese

Römische Begegnungen
Edited by Jörg Frey, Jens Schröter and Martin Wallraff
[Pauline Memoria and Pauline Exgesis. Roman Encounters.]
2023. VI, 433 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162240-3
Sponsored by: SNF
Published in German.
  • eBook PDF
  • Open Access
  • 978-3-16-162240-3
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The topic of this volume is Paul's relationship to Rome in history and reception. The individual contributions deal with the literary evidence of the New Testament as well as other early Christian writings of the second and third centuries, the Basilica St. Paul outside the Walls, erected over the tomb of Paul, and the significance of the relics of Paul for the papal power claim.

Rom und Protestantismus - Schriften des Melanchthon Zentrums in Rom (RuP)