
David Keller

Person und Form

Eine Medien- und Wissensgeschichte der Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik

[Person and Form. A Media and Knowledge History of Psychodiagnostics.]

2022. XII, 481 pages.

Historische Wissensforschung 16

89,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-161063-9
Published in German.
What is personality? As an appealing cultural concept, it developed great productive power within the psychological sciences particularly in the first half of the 20th century. But which set of tools enabled researchers to determine and diagnose personality?
In this study, David Keller reckons with the diversity of media and techniques that played a critical role in legitimizing 'personality' as a stable concept for the human sciences. By reconstructing research practices and diagnostic procedures, and by taking popular discourses into account, the work illustrates how the search for personality generated new knowledge and provoked further questions. David Keller shows how 'personality' became a continuing challenge for the human sciences.
What is personality? As an appealing cultural concept, it developed great productive power within the psychological sciences particularly in the first half of the 20th century. But which set of tools enabled researchers to determine and diagnose personality?
In this study, David Keller reckons with the diversity of media and techniques that played a critical role in legitimizing 'personality' as a stable concept for the human sciences. By reconstructing research practices and diagnostic procedures, and by taking popular discourses into account, the work illustrates how the search for personality generated new knowledge and provoked further questions. David Keller shows how 'personality' became a continuing challenge for the human sciences.

David Keller Studium der Psychologie, Kulturwissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Potsdam, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der University of British Columbia Vancouver; Visiting Scholar am Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies (CHSS) der University of Chicago; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Medizingeschichte und Wissenschaftsforschung der Universität zu Lübeck; Promotion im Fach Kulturwissenschaft (HU Berlin); Dozent mit Schwerpunkt auf Theorie, Geschichte und Ethik der Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie an der Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Berlin; Gegenwärtig Leiter der Fachstelle für traumatisierte Geflüchtete und Überlebende schwerer Gewalt am Zentrum Überleben Berlin.


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