
Julia Kleen

Perspektiven nationaler und internationaler Dopingbekämpfung

Völkerrechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten einer Zentralisierung des Anti-Doping-Kampfes auf internationaler Ebene

[Perspectives of the National and International Fight against Doping.]

2019. XVIII, 249 pages.

Sport - Recht - Gesellschaft 8

74,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-158224-0
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Published in German.
Doping is a notorious part of and perpetually hot topic in the field of competitive sports. While severe bans have failed to stamp out the problem, the anti-doping measures of sports associations and politics impinge on the rights of athletes, who are inadequately legally protected. Julia Kleen comes up with a solution to sort out existing predicaments and fight doping on a global scale.
Doping is a notorious part of and perpetually hot topic in the field of competitive sports. While severe bans have failed to stamp out the problem, the anti-doping measures of sports associations and politics impinge on the rights of athletes, who are inadequately legally protected. Julia Kleen comes up with a solution to sort out existing predicaments and fight doping on a global scale.

Julia Kleen Geboren 1989; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität zu Köln; wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Europäischen Zentrum für Freie Berufe der Universität zu Köln; 2019 Promotion; derzeit Referendarin am Landgericht Köln mit Verwaltungsstation bei der Außenhandelskammer in São Paulo, Brasilien.


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