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Michael Großheim

Politischer Existentialismus

Subjektivität zwischen Entfremdung und Engagement
[Political Existentialism. Subjectivity between Alienation and Engagement. By Michael Großheim.]
2002. IX, 534 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147902-1
The attitude of amoral self-commitment, which in the current discussion is attributed solely to Islam, must be put into a larger context. Michael Großheim describes the philosophical roots of political existentialism, this »eerie, sinister, frightening world of absolute unselfishness« (Hannah Arendt) by analyzing texts and ideas of Friedrich Schlegel's concept of »self-destruction,« Hegel's thoughts on the »abstraction from oneself« and Gudrun Ensslin's »holy self-fulfillment.«

Philosophische Untersuchungen (PhU)