
Julian Eibl

Privatheit durch Bargeld?

Zu den Grenzen hoheitlicher Bargeldbeschränkungen aus dem grundrechtlichen Schutz von Privatheit

[Privacy through Cash? On the Limits of Sovereign Cash Restrictions Arising from Fundamental Privacy Protection Rights.]

2020. XXXI, 546 pages.

Internet und Gesellschaft 21

139,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-159767-1
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Published in German.
Payment data allows broad conclusions to be drawn about the payer. At the same time, restrictions on the use of cash favor a shift towards cashless payment methods which involve disclosing such data. On this basis, Julian Eibl shows that privacy as guaranteed in German and European fundamental rights precludes a complete elimination of cash. The author concludes his analysis by discussing the legal scope for less intrusive restrictions.
Payment data allows broad conclusions to be drawn about the payer. At the same time, restrictions on the use of cash favor a shift towards cashless payment methods which involve disclosing such data. On this basis, Julian Eibl shows that privacy as guaranteed in German and European fundamental rights precludes a complete elimination of cash. The author concludes his analysis by discussing the legal scope for less intrusive restrictions.

Julian Eibl Geboren 1990; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in München und Washington, D.C.; 2016 Erste Juristische Prüfung; 2016–19 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Kirchenrecht sowie Deutsches Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; 2017 Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of California, Berkeley, CA; 2020 Promotion; seit 2019 Rechtsreferendar im Bezirk des OLG München.


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In: FAZ — 1. Februar 2021, 16 (Jochen Zenthöfer)