
Michael Beurskens

Privatrechtliche Selbsthilfe

Rechte, Pflichten und Verantwortlichkeit bei digitalen Zugangsbeschränkungs- und Selbstdurchsetzungsbefugnissen

[Self-Help and Private Actors. Rights, Duties and Liability for Access Limitation and Self-Enforcement.]

2017. XVI, 488 pages.

Jus Privatum 220

134,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154425-5
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Published in German.
»Self-help« is considered the opposite of legal enforcement under a rule of law. While fear of violence might justify a careful approach in face-to-face transactions, the internet allows invisible and retaliation-free enforcement without personal contact. The legal system is, however, ill-prepared for a world in which the touch of a button can restrict access and usability of products. Covering a broad field ranging from traditional self-enforcement prohibitions to trade secret rules and computer crime, Michael Beurskens establishes a workable uniform framework for future challenges.
»Self-help« is considered the opposite of legal enforcement under a rule of law. While fear of violence might justify a careful approach in face-to-face transactions, the internet allows invisible and retaliation-free enforcement without personal contact. The legal system is, however, ill-prepared for a world in which the touch of a button can restrict access and usability of products. Covering a broad field ranging from traditional self-enforcement prohibitions to trade secret rules and computer crime, Michael Beurskens establishes a workable uniform framework for future challenges.

Michael Beurskens Geboren 1977; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Düsseldorf; 2004 LL.M. (Gew. Rechtsschutz/Düsseldorf); 2005 LL.M. (University of Chicago) und Attorney at Law (New York); 2007 Promotion; 2013 Habilitation; derzeit Professor für Bürgerliches Recht an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn.


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