The theory of private law in Germany has been in a state of new orientation and critical debate for some time now. Scholars discuss the methods which enable them to critically reflect on their tradition of private law thinking, and, by so doing, are able to focus on the claim to correctness of private law's doctrinal theories. The theory of private law therefore provides opportunities for analytically appraising private law scholarship. This volume initiates a centred discourse intent on connecting the many differing approaches to this field to one another, comparing them, and critically evaluating their analytical power. Its aim is not to address one particular legal issue, but rather to examine a trio of recent books that represented three different approaches to private law theory.
The theory of private law in Germany has been in a state of new orientation and critical debate for some time now. Scholars discuss the methods which enable them to critically reflect on their tradition of private law thinking, and, by so doing, are able to focus on the claim to correctness of private law's doctrinal theories. The theory of private law therefore provides opportunities for analytically appraising private law scholarship. This volume initiates a centred discourse intent on connecting the many differing approaches to this field to one another, comparing them, and critically evaluating their analytical power. Its aim is not to address one particular legal issue, but rather to examine a trio of recent books that represented three different approaches to private law theory.
Table of contents:
Michael Grünberger/Nils Jansen: Perspektiven deutscher Privatrechtstheorie -
Hans-Peter Haferkamp: Privatrechtshistorisches zu
Marietta Auer, Der privatrechtliche Diskurs der Moderne -
Gralf-Peter Calliess: Die Ko-Evolution von Recht und Gesellschaft -
Eike Götz Hosemann: Privatrechtsidee und Common Law -
Oliver Lepsius: Der Privatrechtsdiskurs der Moderne aus der Sicht des öffentlichen Rechts -
Marietta Auer: Privatrecht ist doch wie Liebe -
Lorenz Kähler: Pluralismus und Monismus in der normativen Rekonstruktion des Privatrechts -
Stefan Arnold: Freiheit, ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit und die Zwecke des Privatrechts -
Bertram Lomfeld: Der Mythos vom unpolitischen Privatrecht -
Peer Zumbansen: Wessen Herzschlag höre ich da? Den des Rechtssubjekts oder den des Markts? -
Florian Rödl: Gleiche Freiheit und Austauschgerechtigkeit -
Anne Röthel: »Zugangsregeln« - Beobachtungen aus der Perspektive der Rechtsdogmatik -
Ralf Seinecke: Rechtshistorische »Zugänge« zur Privatrechtstheorie -
Ino Augsberg: Der Einzelne und sein geistiges Eigentum im Kontext der Systeme -
Ralf Michaels: Zugangsschranken - Rezeptionsprobleme der Systemtheorie in der U.S.-amerikanischen Rechtstheorie -
Dan Wielsch: Über Zugangsregeln