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Olivia Stewart Lester

Prophetic Rivalry, Gender, and Economics

A Study in Revelation and Sibylline Oracles 4-5
[Prophetische Rivalität, Geschlecht und Wirtschaft. Eine Untersuchung zur Offenbarung und den Sibyllinischen Orakeln 4-5.]
2018. XIII, 239 pages.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155651-7
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Olivia Stewart Lester reconsiders the theme of prophetic rivalry in Hellenistic Jewish, early Christian, and surrounding ancient Mediterranean texts by examining true and false prophecy at the intersections of interpretation, gender, and economics in Revelation and Sibylline Oracles 4-5.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe (WUNT II)