
Protestantische Predigtlehre

Eine Darstellung in Quellen
Hrsg. v. Ruth Conrad u. Martin Weeber

[Protestant Homiletics. A Portrayal in Sources.]

2012. XIV, 367 pages.
11,99 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-3581-9
available from utb
Published in German.
This book presents the current concepts as well as the classical texts on the theory of sermons and puts each of them in their historical, systematic and pragmatic contexts by combining them with an introduction. It contains basic well-known homiletic texts as well as texts which were relatively unknown up to now.
Today the sermon is still the characteristic medium of Protestant Christianity. Thus homiletics is always a place of self-understanding about what Protestantism is and what its duties are, the communication about the content, the forms and the intentions of the sermon is a part of the responsibility for the future of Protestantism and the church. Of course it cannot be understood without taking a look at the history of homiletics. Ruth Conrad and Martin Weeber present current concepts as well as classical texts on the theory of sermons and put each of them in their historical, systematic and pragmatic contexts by combining them with an introduction. The volume contains basic well-known homiletic texts as well as texts which were relatively unknown up to now.

Ruth Conrad Geboren 1968; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Tübingen, Berlin und Aarhus (Dänemark); 2004 Promotion; 2011 Habilitation; seit Sommersemester 2018 Professorin an der Theologischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität, Lehrstuhl für Praktische Theologie Schwerpunkt Homiletik/Liturgik und Kybernetik.

Martin Weeber Geboren 1961; bis 2004 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent für Praktische Theologie an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen; 2004 – 11 Pfarrer in Rottenburg-Eckenweiler; seit 2011 Pfarrer in Gerlingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Arbeitskreis f.Evangelikale Theologie — 27 (2013), S. 358–360 (Thomas Richter)
In: Für Arbeit und Besinnung a+b — 2013, Heft 3, S. 30 (Richard Mössinger)
In: PV-Aktuell — 2012, Nr. 2, S. 4 (Karl-Friedrich Wiggermann)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 138 (2013), S. 877–878 (Frank Thomas Brinkmann)
In: Theologische Rundschau — 81 (2016), S. 1–34 (Wilfried Engemann)