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Christoph Markschies
Ptolemaeus Gnosticus?
Untersuchungen zur Valentinianischen Gnosis II mit einem Kommentar zu dem Brief des Ptolemaeus an Flora und seiner Kommentierung bei Epiphanius von Salamis
[Ptolemaeus Gnosticus? Studies on the Valentinian Gnosis II with a Commentary on the Letter of Ptolemaeus to Flora and its Commentary in Epiphanius of Salamis.]
2023. VII, 367 pages. Published in German.
Christoph Markschies continues his studies on the history of Valentinian Gnosisticism with this volume about Ptolemy (second century AD). Close scrutiny of surviving texts reveals an independent Christian thinker who thought on the level of contemporary popular philosophy. The analyses are complemented by studies on the early history of this Gnostic school.