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Frank Dettinger

Radikale Selbstbestimmung

Eine Untersuchung zum Freiheitsverständnis bei Harry G. Frankfurt, Galen Strawson und Martin Luther
[Radical Self-Determination. An Examination into the Understandings of Freedom in Harry G. Frankfurt, Galen Strawson and Martin Luther.]
2015. VIII, 280 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-153900-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-153900-8
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Is radical self-determination relevant to the theory of freedom? In other words, is it a constitutive moment of freedom? Frank Dettinger understands radical self-determination as being the faculty of an acting subject - in whose personal and characteristic nature decisions and actions are established - to self-determine in an independent act.

Collegium Metaphysicum (CM)