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Christina Putzke

Rechtsbeugung in Kollegialgerichten

Zur Bestimmung des tatbestandsmäßigen Verhaltens
[Perversion of Justice in Courts Composed of Several Judges. Defining Criminal Behavior.]
2012. XI, 201 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-151831-7
Thieves, murderers and arsonists render themselves liable to prosecution if they commit robbery, murder or arson. Their punishment is necessary and self-evident. Although this necessity cannot be seriously denied even among judges, their punishment is by no means a matter of course. Christina Putzke deals with the difficulties that arise in this context and shows that these problems can be solved. According to the clarification she provides, judges could also be punished as a matter of course for a perversion of justice.

Veröffentlichungen zum Verfahrensrecht (VVerfR)