Rechtsdurchsetzung ohne Staat

Vorträge der Plenarsitzung und Eröffnungssitzung der 36. Tagung für Rechtsvergleichung am 14. September 2017 in Basel
Herausgegeben von Martin Schmidt-Kessel
[Law Enforcement beyond the State. Lectures from the Plenary and Opening Sessions of the 36th Comparative Law Conference in Basel, September 14, 2017.]
2019. VII, 137 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156135-1
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Is there such a thing as state-free enforcement of law? Or does the state's monopoly on the use of force preclude it? The law is manifested in its enforcement – legal systems do not consist of decisions alone, but also of the instruments used to help implement the law. While safeguarding the public, especially when it comes to criminal law sanctions, is a task of the state itself, the widespread use of arbitration shows that private law does not always have to rely on state institutions to solve disputes. So can state enforcement be dispensed of? And, if so, to what extent? The contributions collected here shift perspective to bring other enforcement paradigms like efficiency of public order and dispute resolution into view.

Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsvereinheitlichung (RuR)