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Martin Schwab

Rechtsfragen der Politikberatung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Unternehmensschutz

[Questions of Law Concerning the Political Consultation in the Field of Tension Between Freedom of Science and Business Protection. By Martin Schwab.]
1999. XLIX, 773 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147070-7
In our current age of scientific and technological progress, politicians face an new challenge in regulating the use of technology, such as the production and distribution of and the way of handling with chemical substances, in order to protect consumers and employees from damages to their health. Parliaments and governments cannot fulfill this task unless scientists and technicians provide their expertise for purpose of consultation. Thus a big part of the responsibility for the regulations enacted is de facto handed over to experts. Industrial enterprises who have to obey legal security measures will, in defence of their economical freedom, assert their entitlement to prohibit the collaboration of scientists and politicians; should the occasion arise they will also claim damages. The survey submitted by Martin Schwab deals with prerequisites and the extent of the experts' liability.