Thomas Recht

Rechtsschutz im Rahmen des beschleunigten Stromnetzausbaus

Eine Untersuchung der Rechtsschutzkonzentration im Planungssystem des EnWG und des NABEG
[Legal Protection and the Accelerated Expansion of Electricity Grids. A Study on the Concentration of Legal Protection in the Planning System of the German Energy and Grid Expansion Acts.]
2019. XX, 340 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-157712-3
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-157712-3
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The multi-level planning system created to accelerate Germany's expansion of its electricity grid and cater for the energy revolution does not permit complaints until the last stage of planning. Thomas Recht scrutinizes this concentration of legal protection by taking national, European and international public law requirements into consideration.

Schriften zum Infrastrukturrecht (InfraSR)