
Tim W. Dornis / Florian Keßenich / Dominik Lemke

Rechtswissenschaftliches Arbeiten

Ein Leitfaden für Form, Methode und Inhalt zivilrechtlicher Studienarbeiten

[Legal Research and Methodology.]

2019. XI, 204 pages.
14,99 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-5098-0
available from utb
Published in German.
This textbook is a guide for students at law schools in Germany and German-speaking countries. It covers issues of methodology, research, and style, and offers an abundance of examples on how to interpret court cases, how to research scholarly literature, how to write and cite, and – finally – how to challenge incorrect or unfair grading of exams and papers in any law school class.
This textbook is a guide for students at law schools in Germany and German-speaking countries. It covers issues of methodology, research, and style, and offers an abundance of examples on how to interpret court cases, how to research scholarly literature, how to write and cite, and – finally – how to challenge incorrect or unfair grading of exams and papers in any law school class.

Tim W. Dornis ist Professor für Bürgerliches Recht und gewerblichen Rechtsschutz an der Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Florian Keßenich ist Rechtsanwalt in Hamburg.

Dominik Lemke ist im Höheren Justizdienst im Land Niedersachsen tätig.


The following reviews are known:

In: — (Michael Höhne)