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Hans Kelsen

Reine Rechtslehre

Mit einem Anhang: Das Problem der Gerechtigkeit (Studienausgabe der 2. Auflage 1960)
Edited by Matthias Jestaedt
[Pure Theory of Law. With an Appendix: The Problem of Justice. Student Edition of the 2nd German Edition 1960.]
2017. XCV, 826 pages.
Published in German.
  • paper
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  • 978-3-16-152973-3
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The second edition of the Pure Theory of Law, published in 1960, was in equal measure the culmination and the conclusion of the so-called classical phase of Hans Kelsen's legal-theoretical oeuvre. Alongside H.L.A. Hart's The Concept of Law (1961), it is the most important classic work of modern positivist jurisprudence.