
Emmanuel L. Rehfeld

Relationale Ontologie bei Paulus

Die ontische Wirksamkeit der Christusbezogenheit im Denken des Heidenapostels

[Relational Ontology in Paul. The Ontic Effectiveness of Being in Christ According to the Apostle to the Gentiles.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-152145-4
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Published in German.
Emmanuel L. Rehfeld explores the content and the meaning of the phrase »in Christ« as well as its implications for the apostle's anthropological, hamartiological, soteriological and eschatological views. He argues that a consistent understanding of these is possible solely within the framework of relational-ontological thinking.
The center of both Paul's own piety and theological reflection is a person. According to Paul, »the Jewish apostle to the Gentiles« (K.-W. Niebuhr), everything depends on the relation to Jesus Christ. A consequence of this rather exceptional way of thinking is reflected in Paul's language, specifically in the phrase »in Christ« which is the »keyword of his Christianity"(Adolf Deissmann). Emmanuel L. Rehfeld explores the content and the meaning of this phrase as well as its implications for the apostle's anthropological, hamartiological, soteriological and eschatological views. He argues that a consistent understanding of these is possible solely within the framework of relational-ontological thinking. Ignoring this insight and approaching the Pauline letters with inadequate categories in language and thinking will most likely result in inconsistent or contradictory interpretations.

Emmanuel L. Rehfeld Geboren 1980; Privatdozent für Neues Testament am Institut für Evangelische Theologie der TU Dortmund und Prediger der Landeskirchlichen Gemeinschaft Zeitz.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Beiträge — 44 (2013), S. 115–116 (Johannes Woyke)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 138 (2013), S. 957–959 (Friedrich W. Horn)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 57 (2013), S. 191
In: Review of Biblical Literature — (11/2014) (Lars Kierspel)