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Paul Drews

Religiöse Volkskunde und religiöse Psychologie

Schriften zur Grundlegung einer empirisch orientierten Praktischen Theologie
Edited by Andreas Kubik
[Religious Ethnography and Religious Pschology. Writings on the Establishment of an Empirically Oriented Theology.]
2016. XI, 439 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-151007-6
The writings of Paul Drews (1858-1912), a practical theologian, triggered a wave of research in religious and church studies which however were not continued due to the theological upheavals after the First World War. Andreas Kubik provides new access to this important theoretical tradition. In addition to the programmatic essays in this volume, he has edited a great many of Drews' research results on the religion of the educated, the peasantry, on the belief in demons and the psychology of church attendance.

Praktische Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart (PThGG)