

[Religious Pedagogy.]

2012. XVI, 733 pages.

Neue Theologische Grundrisse

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ISBN 978-3-16-152099-0
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Published in German.
Bernd Schröder gives religious pedagogy a profile as a theological discipline which is connected to a great many theological and non-theological disciplines and whose results are examined, evaluated critically and continued with its own focus on education from a Christian and in this case a Protestant perspective.

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Bernd Schröder deals with religious pedagogy from five different, methodically deliberated perspectives. He gives the subject historical depth, making a comparison with religious instruction in other religions and countries. He combines empirical assessments with the systematic development of the concept without losing sight of the interest in a practical and activity-oriented focus. In this way, the author has created a comprehensive panorama of challenges to religious pedagogy and presents solutions to these challenges for schools and communities, media and families as well as the public. He gives religious pedagogy a profile as a theological discipline which is connected to a great many theological and non-theological disciplines and whose results are examined, evaluated critically and continued with its own focus on education from a Christian and in this case a Protestant perspective.

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